Matrimandir and I Premiere and Q& A with filmmaker Serena Aurora and B. Sullivan
Saturday April 8
Filmmaker Serena Aurora and B William Sullivan, featured in the Matrimandir and I episode premiere, are joined us for an intro and discussion of the series, it’s history and B’s personal experiences working on the construction of the Matrimandir. We will find out how B’s current relationship with the Matrimandir has changed from the early days in his role as a builder, to his current role of introducing visitors to it’s history and significance.
Contact us at with any questions.
April 3 Premiere of Matrimandir and I: Suhasini
The second short film we will screen and discuss premiered on April 3. It features Suhasini Ayer, internationally recognized award winning architect . This will be the second clip in our screening.
About the Matrimandir and I Series
Matrimandir and I is a short film series created by filmmaker Serena Aurora. It explores the relationship between the sacred space of the Matrimandir, Auroville’s central meditation space, and different individuals.
The series features a diverse group, from recent volunteers to Auroville to the original Auroville pioneers who participated in the construction of Matrimandir 50 years ago. The Matrimandir and I profiles come from every corner of the planet, from Europe to Africa, different Indian regions or 3rd generation Aurovilians whose parents were born in the villages of Tamil Nadu.
Explore the diversity of the connections to the Matrimandir through different episodes, while taking in the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding architecture and gardens.
Support Auroville Live
All donations support the creative teams behind the Matrimandir and I series and make future events possible.
Auroville Live connects Auroville with the world through public and private live events.
Providing high quality content requires expensive equipment and lots of hours of human talent. Your donations will ensure we can continue to offer these events long into the future!
Monthly donations are especially helpful for managing our budget and covering ongoing costs – just click “Monthly” when you make your contribution.”
Who is B William Sullivan?!

In his own words:
‘B joined Auroville in 1974. He came as Bill but had to get the “ill” out so he could last all these years.
He worked at Matrimandir from his arrival and today is a guide for visitors to the Matrimandir Chamber. B was part of the teams that founded Center for Scientific Research, Verite Community and Quiet Healing Center. He enjoys being the CEO of Zero Waste Auroville but is annoyed that it’s taking so long.”
B is an indispensable part of many initiatives in Auroville, using his ingenious creativity to see the art in technology, and the practicality applications of art. He also represents all that is good about the USA in Auroville.
His home is a Zero Waste experiment lovingly called Trash Mahal, which we have featured in our January eConnect Newsletter.
He is now working on the Heartcore Cyclist awareness campaign promoting zero waste, recycling and creative upcycling.
About the Filmmaker

Serena Aurora is an independent filmmaker living and working in Auroville for more than a decade.
She has worked in the industry for over 10 years, and gathered experience in pre-production and scripting, production filming and post-production editing, making it all the way to distribution and exhibition.
She has traveled for many years, guided by an irresistible calling towards sustainability and regenerative communal living. When visiting organic farms, eco villages and intentional communities she has made films as gifts – Aurora’s Eye Films – that gave them a voice. Witnessing the impact it had on education and consciousness set me on a mission:
“Now the goal is to create documentary films that are creative and unbiased as possible, so people may see the different possibilities out there and share them with others as we come together to help manifest our spaces of belonging.” Serena Aurora