A Sincere Thank You from the Makers of Iniyan
Dear Donors and Participants in the INIYAN Adventure,
Thank you so much for supporting the Iniyan short film production. Your timely support was a great help to complete the film on time and now allows us the showing and dissemination of it, first in all the Auroville Outreach schools and then in the schools of the bioregion (a Tamil voice-over version is in the works).
We were grateful that the Iniyan short film released its world online premiere organized by the so able and kind team of AVI USA. We are also very happy that the film could premiere in Bharat Nivas Auditorium, Auroville, within August 2022 which is Sri Aurobindo’s 150 anniversary month.
Warmest Regards,
Aurelio and Yatra Srinivassan
The Story
Iniyan, based on a legend written by Aurovilian Ruud Lohman, tells the story of an elderly Tamil man who traces his lineage back to Lemuria, an ancient island civilization that sunk beneath the Indian Ocean many thousands of years ago. Iniyan tells Ruud that he carries secrets from the past, awaiting a time when they can be linked to the future of humanity.
“This ancient sunken land now,” Iniyan continued quietly but with an extra sparkle in his eyes, “was known with the great name of Lemuria. Lemuria was a mighty country, a civilisation of untold riches, but especially great on account of its knowledge of the secrets of Nature…
“…Not the whole civilisation, however, was sunken when the seas entered. Some of the highest spots were saved and… here we are sitting on one of them. This stretch of raised land along the Gulf of Bengal, the very one you are building your new city on, is one of the peaks of Lemuria the waters didn’t engulf. It was one of our most developed and most sacred places…
“…[We have been]Waiting for the epoch in which the circumstances would make it possible to once more manifest the hidden knowledge. Waiting for the time that this most ancient, original land wakes up once more to its special place among the peoples on earth. Until the link can be made between what is the extremely remote past and the future of mankind.”
Behind the Scenes
Watch the making of Iniyan with Yatra Srinivasan, Aurelio and the Yatra Arts Media crew
Continue to support the filmmakers of Iniyan
Iniyan is a short film written and produced in Auroville by Aurovillian filmmakers at Yatra Arts Media. The funds raised from the premiere have gone towards final production costs and starting new projects.
Yatra Srinivasan and Aurelio are continuing their work, all your support goes to their Auroville based filmmaking project.
Your donation supports final production expenses for Iniyan’s filmmakers and future projects by Yatra Arts Media.