Arts & Culture
Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.
from the Auroville Charter
With its emphasis on seeking the unique soul qualities of each individual, Auroville is an incubator of artistic expression. And as an experiment in human unity, Auroville celebrates the richness and beauty of this world’s diverse cultures, and provides space for them to shine and interact.

Svaram Musical Instruments and Research
Exploring the mystery and magic of sound
Auroville Theatre Group
The Auroville Theatre Group has been performing in Auroville for about 10 years now
Raga Mantra
Indian world fusion music by Nadaka, Gopika, and Keshava
Sankalpa Art Journeys
An International & Integral Expressive Art Therapy effort based in Auroville, south India since 2010
Unity Pavilion
The Unity Pavilion hosts a range of activities related to Human Unity and Unity in Diversity, and is the venue for Auroville’s Community meetings
Savitri Bhavan
A place for the study of Sri Aurobindo’s works
Mohanam Cultural Heritage Centre
A hub for local arts, crafts, and culture
Auroville Language Lab
A full-fledged language laboratory that draws upon the unique linguistic culture of Auroville