We are thrilled to bring you the news of a summer course focusing on Integral Yoga, also available to non enrolled students or auditors, from CIIS, the California Institute for Integral Studies. The course is part of the East-West Psychology Program.
CIIS, California Institute for Integral Studies, is a degree granting institution located in San Francisco, California. Their degree granting programs focus on combining Integral Yoga with traditional university course offerings. AVI USA is currently working to share courses that are open to students of Integral Yoga at large, independent of degree granting programs. Learning occurs every day and every moment. Studying within the Integral Yoga community helps strengthen our understanding and connection with Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s teachings.
Haridas Chaudhuri, founder of CIIS, can be considered one of the pioneers of integral philosophy. The California Institute of Integral Studies receives the term “‘integral”” in its title in honor of Chaudhuri’s thinking. Chaudhuri himself was a spiritual student of Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950), a modern anticolonial activist, poet, philosopher and yogi from India, and his integral philosophy has roots in Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga. In this course, we will look at three major texts of Haridas Chaudhuri, Sri Aurobindo, Prophet of the Life Divine, Being, Evolution, Immortality and Integral Yoga, so as to obtain an understanding of the foundations of integral thought as understood by Haridas Chaudhuri.
From our new AVI USA board member and CIIS Program Coordinator, Judi:
To participate in the course, for non-enrolled students like members of the AVIUSA community who might be interested in taking courses, there is a special auditing process. They have to fill out the attached special student form as well as the attached manual registration form, checking off the “audit” part. The registrar will not process this until 5/28 so there is time.
Click below for the course flier and registration forms.