
President’s Letter

It’s often easier to focus on limitations than on what is emerging in the midst of limitations. But life never stops bringing forth beauty and light. A baby is born, a flower opens to the sun, a musician receives the inspiration for a new piece.The weight of our unmet expectations and failed hopes can never drown the persistent and inevitable press of evolution.

Horse to Human Adopts Kleo

Here, at HorsetoHuman, we are determined to rewrite Kleo’s story. She will no longer be defined by the cruelty of her past but by the love, care, and respect she will find here. We will nurture her back to health, providing the peace and security she desperately needs to bring her foal into this world … Read more

A Nun’s Persective: Karsha Nuns visit Auroville

We are funding a trip to bring 10 nuns from Karsha Nunnery, Zanskar, Ladakh, to Auroville Pondicherry. Filmmaker Serena Aurora will create a documentary based on their travel experience to help bring awareness of the Karsha Nunnery.

AVI USA on Auroville Today

AVI USA is thrilled to be featured in Auroville’s news outlet: Auroville Today. Read about AVI USA and Matthew Andrews’ Journey as president and executive director.