Sri Aurobindo’s 152nd Birthday Darshan
August 15 Events at US Sri Aurobindo Centers

Every year we celebrate the birthday of Sri Aurobindo, in whose honor Mother was inspired to create Auroville, on August 15. This year, it is the 152 anniversary of his birth. August 15 is considered one of the Darshan Days, celebrated as a special day by devotees of Sri Aurobindo and Mother.
From the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry:
After Sri Aurobindo retired from daily contact with his disciples, he saw them only a few times a year on what came to be known as the Darshan days. “Darshan” in Sanskrit means “seeing”. It refers here to seeing Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and to receive their blessings.
During Sri Aurobindo’s lifetime, messages were given out only occasionally on the Darshan days. Afterwards, they were issued regularly. Some of these were written expressly for the occasion, others were passages chosen from the works of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
The day starts with a meditation around the samadhi. During the day, sadhaks and devotees are allowed to visit either Sri Aurobindo’s or the Mother’s room, depending on the occasion.
Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center
1218 Wittenberg, Mt. Tremper, NY 12457
telephone: (845) 679-8322
Noon: Reading and Meditation in the Sanctuary
Lunch follows.Please bring vegetarian food or beverage to share
2 pm : Matagiri’s Future Plans & Oneness: a discussion with Martha Orton
Sharing plans and architectural drawings and inviting comments.
Martha S. Graham Orton, PhD has a BA in Classical Languages from the College of William and Mary (Virginia), an MA in Semitic languages from the Catholic University of America, (Washington DC), an MSW in Clinical Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia) and a PhD in Sri Aurobindo Studies from the Sri Aurobindo Center of Advanced Research (India).
She has published the following books: The Quest for Knowledge and Mastery: A Comparative Study of Motivation in the Light of Sri Aurobindo, Elusive Light, Calling into the Dark, and Sri Aurobindo’s Perspective on Reality and Other Essays.
Boston Sri Aurobindo Center
Online Darshan – 7:30 -9pm ET
La Grace Sri Aurobindo Integral Life Center
Saturday, AUGUST 17
2824 Knighton Chapel Road
Fountain Inn, S.C. 29644
An evening of readings and meditation in honor and celebration of Sri Aurobindo’s Birth Anniversary.
4:00 PM: Meet & Greet!
4:30 PM: Darshan Program Begins
6:00 PM: Group Meditation
6:30 PM: Dinner
Please let us know that you will be joining us on this very special occasion. Text (505-515-1246)
Email us at
Sri Aurobindo Center Los Angeles
Saturday, AUGUST 10
4 pm to 5:30 pm PST
Online Darshan
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 824 3517 4199
Passcode: 287843
Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham
2621 W Highway 12
Lodi, CA 95242
Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham is holding its regular Darshan Day activities on Thursday August 15.