
Satchitananda Raw Foods

Satchitananda Restaurant , a raw food restaurant, and a meeting with owner Anandi Vaithialingam continue to delight and inspire many travelers. We are presenting an excerpt from a travel blog about the restaurant and it’s founder, Anandi.

AUM TAT SAT & Arnab Chowdhury

AUM TAT SAT is a three act exploration of mantra Aum Tat Sat (All That Is Truth) through the lens of Indian ballet. It is based on Sri Aurobindo’s visionary experience and interpretation of Aum Tat Sat across all his works, including “Essays on the Gita,”  and “Record on Yoga. 

The David Nagel Scholarship

AVI USA has teamed up with the Auroville Botanical Gardens, to create a scholarship fund in David Nagel’s memory.  David was an early Aurovilian who stewarded Auroville’s young forests and contributed the reafforestation of the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest.  

Suryamayi: Prefiguring Utopia

Suryamayi Clarence-Smith is launching her book, Prefiguring Utopia, with a series of talks this fall. Her first presentation at the California Institute for Integral Studies will be livestreamed on September 26,.

Tholkaappia Poonga

A welcome oasis of green, far removed from the metropolis’ daily hustle, in the happy company of pelicans and mangroves:

India’s Watercolors

India, who did the water color paintings, is just 19 and is living here, in Auroville, with her Italian parents, brothers and sisters.It is Emmanuele (the cartoonist) who introduced her to me when I was looking for someone to do the illustrations [for the Sri Aurobindo documentary]

Auroville Youth Choir

The Auroville Youth choir has been under the leadership of conductor Nuria Casanova since 1995. The choir had a remarkable performace recently so we reached out to Nuria to find out more….

Boston Garden Party

Join AVI USA for afternoon tea in the garden, in Boston, MA, September 3 at 4PM, at Maya and Terry Balle’s residence. We will meet and talk to Sriman Kota, the founder of the creative Yuvabe Tech & Education group in Auroville.

Honoring Sri Aurobindo – The Visionary Who Inspired Auroville

Auroville is a crystallization of Sri Aurobindo’s vision, and it has been offered space to grow on the soil of India. The Mother once said “From the spiritual point of view, India is the foremost country in the world. Her mission is to set the example of spirituality.”

Auroville Dog Shelter!

Auroville Dog Shelter is holding a fundraising campaign for new housing for the beloved dogs. Find out more here 🧡